
Please note that this web page will be updated shortly following completion of the migration of clearing of Euronext financial and commodities derivatives. Updates will be done by the end of October 2024.
Trade Workflow and Submission

CommodityClear’s clearing service operates through the Derivatives Clearing System. Once trades are matched on the Euronext platform, registration of matched transactions presented to LCH occurs on a real time basis.

The Derivatives Clearing System is open for the registration of trades between 07.30 CET and 20.00 CET. On receipt and confirmation of eligible transactions into the Derivatives Clearing System, trades are governed under the rules of the LCH SA Rulebook

Once the positions at the end of the trading day have been determined, LCH calculates the premiums, initial margin and variation margin to be paid or received by each clearer. After the exercise/assignment of products for cash settlement, an amount is to be received or paid by the Clearing Member Firm.

In order to value the Margins, EquityClear SA and CommodityClear SA use the prices provided by relevant Regulated Markets or Trading & Matching Platforms as mentioned in Instruction I.3.4 and data providers.

Members of Euronext and LCH are eligible to clear products subject to approval. More information on becoming a member of LCH SA can be found here.