
Product innovation and robust risk management for derivatives

Please note that this web page will be updated shortly following completion of the migration of clearing of Euronext financial and commodities derivatives. Updates will be done by the end of October 2024.
Welcome to CommodityClear

CommodityClear is LCH SA’s clearing service for commodity derivatives, including listed options and futures in agricultural and soft commodities. By clearing with CommodityClear, our members benefit from reduced credit risk, enhanced capital efficiencies and greater operational resilience, as well as robust default management processes. It also enables businesses to become leaner, more efficient and safer. 


CommodityClear is LCH SA’s registered commodity clearing service, enabling members to clear a broad range of agricultural and soft commodity futures and options listed on Euronext derivatives markets. These include contracts referencing:

  • Corn
  • Milling Wheat
  • Durum Wheat
  • Rapeseed 
  • UAN 30 Nitrogen Fertiliser
CommodityClear - What We Clear

CommodityClear Members can clear more than a dozen different soft commodity futures and options products listed on Euronext

CommodityClear - Risk Management

All listed commodity futures and options cleared at CommodityClear benefit from LCH’s world class risk management procedures

CommodityClear - Fees

The cost of protecting your trades by clearing at CommodityClear

CommodityClear - Volumes

In this section you can access derivatives price and volume information for Euronext-listed commodities cleared at CommodityClear

CommodityClear - Essentials

On this page you’ll find technical details about the various components that make CommodityClear work

CommodityClear - Team

CommodityClear’s dedicated team stands ready to assist you. Please don't hesitate to contact us

CommodityClear - Resources

A repository of the latest thinking and useful links from the CommodityClear team